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Pay Once a Month, Wash Everyday!
Month to Month -- No Contract
Cancel Anytime / No Fee to Cancel
Use at Any Location!
How Does it Work?
- Stop by any Mighty Shine location with your vehicle and fill out a quick form and give us your credit or debit card. It'll get charged each month until you tell us to stop.
- We will put a sticker on your windshield.
- Thereafter, just drive up to the gate. It will automatically open, and you'll be in and out and all shined up -- that's why we call it a FAST PASS!
- All Fast Passes can be used at our Lewisburg, Beckley, or Ripley locations!
Terms and Conditions:
By signing up for a fast pass, you are authorizing us to charge your credit/debit card every month (on the same day you join). There is no contract, simply call and we will stop the recurring charge. There are no refunds for unused days.
Fast Passes are unlimited but are sold per vehicle, not per person. You cannot move a fast pass tag from one vehicle to the next. Once a fast pass tag is removed they will no longer work. If you have sold your car, don't worry, and don't bother to remove the tag. Simply bring the new car to us and we will get you all set up. If there are excessive new tags, there may be a nominal charge for a tag change.
Mighty Shine reserves the right to terminate any existing Fast Pass due to abuse or mutilation of FastPass tags, including abuse of the one-vehicle rule per pass. Any terminations will not include refunds.
Other exclusions:
- FastPasses are designed for individual or personal use. They may be available but are limited for commercial or fleet usage only with the explicit consent of Mighty Shine and its owners. Cars with dealer tags, for example, are not eligible for Fast Passes. If a FastPass is used in a commercial way without explicit consent, the pass will be terminated with no refund.
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